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Accidental Pilgrim - Travels with a Celtic Saint  

Writing Proposal > Colophon


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Note taking and writing
While on the road, I took notes in a little black Moleskine book for the first part of the trip, and got a replacement book in Orleans, when the first was full.

Back at home, I wrote most of the book on an Apple Powerbook G4. Each chapter draft was in its own BBEdit file - a simple but powerful text editor - which stopped me fussing with drop-caps and footers when I just needed to be getting the stuff down. Later, for proposals and editing drafts, I moved it all into Microsoft Word.

At each stage I edited on paper - partly as a break from my machine, and partly because the eye catches things on paper that would be missed on screen.

The drafts of the book were emailed to the publishers in Adobe Acrobat format (.pdf). We then used Microsoft Word for editing, and edits were put through and approved using the Track Changes feature.

Page layout and pre-press work was done using Quark Xpress.

Text for this site was written in OmniOutliner, and output to text files ready for uploading to the site, which was originally designed by my friend Paul Clerkin from Desire Publishing using an array of tools and black arts he's not at liberty to disclose. I'm responsible for the current version of the site (incorporating sublevel navigation, revised main navigation and tweaked stylesheets), built using Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 for the Mac. The site structure was mapped in Omnigraffle.

I also devised the strategy for the site, its information architecture and all its content, using the techniques learned in my day job - web consultant. If you'd like help with your site (especially if you're a writer), you might be interested in my other endeavour: Moore Consulting.



accidental pilgrim cover

ISBN: 0340832282
Trade Paperback - Hodder Headline
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