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Press Pack - Author biography

David Moore (32) was born in London and reared in Buckinghamshire, England. The child of an Irish mother and jazz-addicted English father, David spent many childhood summers in Ireland. He graduated from Cambridge with first-class honours in English and Dark Age history, and continued his studies at Trinity College Dublin, gaining a masters degree in Anglo-Irish Literature.

His first job was screwing the tops on test tubes all day, leaving him with grave suspicions about the world of work. He then became a journalist on the company newspaper for a water firm, writing stories about sewage treatment plants. Before he'd really started, his career was going down the drain.

His freelance journalism has appeared in The Irish Times, The Irish Examiner and The Illustrated London News, but like many in his generation, most of his working life has been spent in front of a computer.

His employment in the internet industry took him from Clonskeagh to Kansas, where he spent 18 months at Kansas State University as 'our man on the prairie' for his Irish employers. There he saw his first tornado, and was adopted by the president of the university, who'd invite him to lunch to discuss the fall of the Roman Empire.

Moving to San Francisco in the middle of the dotcom frenzy, he seldom saw his apartment in the daytime, and took an average of one flight per week. Deciding that he'd never meant to get into technology in the first place, he cashed in his stock options (when they were still worth something), and returned to Ireland to work out who he really was.

He's still not sure, but The Accidental Pilgrim marks one attempt to find out. He's recently married, and lives in Dublin.

For more information see The Author section of the site
For media enquiries, please contact myself or Kirsten Connolly at Plunkett Communications in Dublin, tel +353 1 662 0335



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ISBN: 0340832282
Trade Paperback - Hodder Headline
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